2019 Ag-Chem TG9300C 2907 engine hrs
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- TG9300C
- Drive: 2WD
- Width: 840 in
- Width: 70 ft
- Def / UREA: Yes
- Transmission Type: CVT
- Roll Tarp: Electric
- Chassis Type: Three-Wheeler
- Seat Type: Leather
- Number of Bins: 3
- Granular Bins: Yes
- Number of Boom Sections: 2
- Auto Lube: Yes
- Floater Type: Pneumatic Spreader
- Lights: LED
- Automatic Height Control: Yes
- Automatic Section/Swath Control: Yes
- Boom Width: 70
- Technology: ["Viper 4, RS1, AccuBoom, AutoBoom"]
- Autosteer: Integrated
- Trelleborg TM3000 1050/50R32