2019 Ag-Chem RG1300C B120 2901 engine hrs
Contact UsDetails
- RG1300C
- Boom Width: 120 ft
- Capacity: 1,300 gal
- Drive: 4WD
- Def / UREA: Yes
- Transmission Type: Hydro
- Seat Type: Leather
- Liquid System Model: 1,300 gallon
- Nozzle Spacing (in): 20
- Nozzle Type: Other - Wilger ComboJet
- End Row Nozzles: Yes
- Chemical Injection: Yes
- Number of Boom Sections: 5
- Reload Size (In): 3
- Nozzle Body Type: Wilger
- Nozzle Control System: Yes
- Front Reload: Yes
- Boom Cleanout: Yes
- High Volume Liquid System: Yes
- Fenders: Yes
- 4-Wheel Steering: Yes
- Hydraulic Track Adjust: Yes
- Chemical Injection - # of Pumps: 2
- Chemical Injection - # of Tanks: 3
- Chemical Injection - Size of Tanks (ga): 40
- Lights: LED
- Automatic Height Control: Yes
- Automatic Section/Swath Control: Yes
- Nozzle Control Systems: Hawkeye 1.0 Wilger Double Stack with estops
- Technology: ["raven viper 4","Hawkeye HD","AutoBoom XRT","Sidekick Pro"]
- Autosteer: Integrated
- Row Crop: Michelin SprayBib VF380/90R46
- Float Tires: Mitas AC 65 710/70R38