2014 Hagie STS12 3215 engine hrs
Contact UsDetails
- STS12
- Width: 1,440 in
- Width: 120 ft
- Capacity: 1,200 gal
- Drive: 4WD
- Def / UREA: Yes
- Transmission Type: Hydro
- Seat Type: Cloth
- Foam Markers: Yes
- Boom Style: Wet
- Boom Type: Other -
- Nozzle Spacing (in): 20
- Nozzle Type: Single
- End Row Nozzles: Yes
- Chemical Eductor: Yes
- Chemical Injection: Yes
- Number of Boom Sections: 7
- Nozzle Body Type: OEM
- Boom Cleanout: Yes
- Fenders: Yes
- Hydraulic Track Adjust: Yes
- Chemical Injection - # of Tanks: 2
- Chemical Injection - Size of Tanks (ga): 40
- Lights: Standard
- Automatic Height Control: Yes
- Automatic Section/Swath Control: Yes
- Does the technology come with the machine?: Yes
- Technology: ["Raven Viper 4"]
- Autosteer: Integrated
- All Row Crop (Sprayers): Firestone Radial 9100 380/105R50
- All Floats (Sprayers): Michelin Agribib 520/85R46