2020 John Deere 2720 1 engine hrs
Contact UsDetails
- 2720
- Condition: Good
- Width: 22.5ft
- Spacing: 30
- Number of Shanks: 9
- Hitch Type (Implement): Draw Bar
- Number of Sections: 3
- Front Disc Size (in): 22
- Disc Type: Smooth
- Disc Mounting: Gang Mount
- Disc Leveler: Hydraulic
- Auto Reset Shanks: Yes
- Single Point Depth Control: Yes
- Auto Down Pressure: Yes
- Wing Gauge Wheels: Swivel
- Lights: Standard
- Rear Disc Size (In): 22
- Gauge Main frame: Goodyear Implement Radial FS 24 340/65R18
- Gauge Wing: Goodyear Implement Radial FS 24