Regular cleaning of your agricultural equipment can help boost its safety, longevity, and performance. That’s why you should wash your machine regularly to prevent the buildup of dust and debris from impacting its efficiency and leading to expensive repairs. Here, we discuss a few tips to clean your farm equipment and keep it in top-notch shape. Read on to learn more, and for more information, contact Zeigler AG!

Timing Is the Key

You should know when to clean your equipment because this will help you avoid letting the grime sit on your machine for too long. We often recommend our customers wash their farm equipment when they notice a buildup of debris, such as lawn clippings or oil, immediately after working in dusty or muddy conditions and before storing it for extended periods.

Check Your Owner's Manual

Before cleaning, read the owner's manual for your specific model. The manual may contain unique advice on how to clean the equipment, including tasks you need to do or skip. It may also provide guidance on cleaning supplies you should use or avoid.

Depending on your agricultural machinery, you can choose either of the two washing techniques:

Power Washing

Many farm owners use the quick and easy power washing method to clean their equipment. If you choose this technique, you can use your power washer to rinse off the dirt and dry your machinery to prevent ugly spots from appearing.

If rinsing alone doesn't help, you can use a soapy solution, then scrub your machine gently to remove any stubborn spots. Finally, you’ll want to rinse your equipment again to remove soap residue.

Two-Step Washing Method

This technique is popular in the trucking industry and helps clean off grime quickly without leaving behind any soap residue. In this method, you’ll need to apply a low-pH acidic product, such as hydrofluoric acid, and a high-pH detergent with the acid. You should be cautious when handling harsh chemicals and rinse them off thoroughly to avoid getting the harsh chemicals on more delicate surfaces, such as glass.

We hope this guide helps you keep your agricultural equipment clean and safe. If you need more ideas or are still searching for reliable machines for your farm, check out our latest inventory at Zeigler AG. We are a multi-state dealership with showrooms throughout Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, and Wisconsin, and we can’t wait to serve you!